You’ve probably heard all your life how important brushing and flossing are to your oral health. But there is more to it than just brushing twice a day. It’s more than just how often you brush and floss, but HOW you do it. If you’ve been brushing first, then you’ve probably been doing it incorrectly all this time — because you should floss first! At Gairhan Dental Care, we know there’s more to good oral hygiene than just grabbing a brush and running it over your teeth twice a day. Here are some facts about brushing, flossing, and taking great care of your teeth. 

Why You Should Floss First

You’ve probably heard all your life how you should “brush and floss,” and in that order. For decades, it was believed that was the best way to have good oral hygiene. But recent studies have shown that brushing then flossing wasn’t as beneficial as it’s long been believed. 

The studies showed that it’s much better to floss first, then brush for at least two minutes. You’re probably wondering, why would that be? It all comes down to getting rid of the most plaque most easily. 

We all know that the purpose of brushing your teeth is to remove plaque from the surface of your teeth. But a toothbrush can’t reach well between the teeth. That’s where floss comes in. It’s able to get the plaque between the teeth. 

But what happens when you floss? Sure, you pull out the plaque between your teeth, but then where does it go? Unless you brush afterward or at least rinse, it sits on your teeth. That means you’ve just put plaque back on your teeth after you’ve brushed them clean! That doesn’t help, does it? 

By flossing first, you move the plaque out from between the teeth and put it within reach of your toothbrush. Then, when you brush, you remove that plaque from the tooth’s surface, leaving your teeth clean on all sides. 

Flossing Daily Protects From Gum Disease and Tooth Decay

Flossing is important because it protects your teeth from tooth decay. Without flossing, plaque can build up between the teeth and weaken the enamel, the hard coating on the outside of your teeth. Over time, a hole will develop in the enamel, better known as a cavity. Over time, such tooth decay could cause a loss of the tooth. 

Flossing daily doesn’t just protect against tooth decay. It also protects you from gum disease. Flossing removes food particles from between the teeth before they can get beneath the gums. Once they do, they can cause irritation and infection, which inflames the gums. Over time, the gum can loosen around the tooth and cause tooth loss. This is why flossing is just as important for your gums as it is for your teeth!

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Rinsing, Eating, or Drinking Right Away Removes Fluoride

Brushing your teeth doesn’t just eliminate plaque. It also puts a layer of fluoride on the teeth, which works with your saliva to protect and strengthen your enamel. As long as it stays there for at least half an hour, it will do its job. 

However, if you rinse your mouth after brushing, or if you eat or drink, you could wash away all of that enamel-strengthening fluoride. That leaves your teeth more vulnerable to tooth decay. So if you feel you need to rinse your mouth after brushing, consider rinsing with a fluoride mouthwash, which will add fluoride protection rather than take it away. Once you floss and brush your teeth, wait at least half an hour before eating or drinking anything. 

Products Are Available to Improve Oral Hygiene

In addition to fluoride mouthwash, there are other products you can use to help protect your teeth. If you find that dental floss isn’t doing enough or is difficult to use, you can use an interproximal brush or a water irrigator to remove particles from between your teeth in addition to using the dental floss. 

An interproximal brush looks like a spiral brush with bristles that start at a point and get wider at the base. The brush comes in various sizes and can slide between your teeth and give them a thorough brushing. 

A water irrigator shoots a tiny stream of water between your teeth to loosen and remove particles from between your teeth. It’s a good tool if you just can’t manage to get floss or an interproximal brush between your teeth. 

Visit Your Dentist At Least Twice a Year

If you live in the Jonesboro, AR, area, you can make an appointment with Gairhan Dental Care to get a thorough cleaning and examination of your teeth twice a year. Why twice a year? The American Dental Association recommends you visit your dentist at least once every six months to maintain a healthy smile. 

We will be able to clean your teeth and gums thoroughly, and we’ll be able to spot any potential problems, such as weakness in the enamel, cavities, gum disease, or even potential oral cancer. We can recommend fluoride treatments if we see evidence of potential tooth decay. We can make sure your beautiful teeth and gums stay healthy and strong! 

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