Dental Care When You Need It

Emergency Dental Care

Emergencies are stressful enough as is. Getting the medical care that you need shouldn’t be. When you need emergency dental care, Gairhan Dental Care is ready with compassionate, excellent medical care.

Our Philosophy

Care You Can Count On

Emergency Dental Care

When you have a dental emergency — whether it’s caused by a sudden accident or chronic disease, you need attentive medical care right away. Gairhan Dental Care has the experience and medical expertise to step in and provide immediate, compassionate care.

In the case of emergency dental care, time is often of the essence. If you are experiencing a dental emergency such as broken teeth, gum abscesses, or severe swelling and bleeding, it is important that you contact Dr. Gairhan right away.


Have A Question About Emergency Dental Care?

You might have a few questions about dental emergencies. We are here to answer them! Take a look below at the most common questions we receive about dental emergencies.

What to do if you knock out a permanent tooth?

A knocked-out permanent tooth requires quick thinking and immediate action. Pick it up without touching the root, gently clean it off with water, and put it back in its socket facing the correct way. Hold it in place with gentle pressure as you rush to the dental office or emergency room. If you can’t replant it immediately, tuck it between the patient’s cheek and gum, or carry it in a container of cold milk.

Why do I have acute tooth pain?

Acute or persistent tooth pain always signals a need for an urgent visit to the dental office. The most common cause of dental pain is tooth decay, a bacterial infection that can spread through many parts of the tooth and even into the gum tissue. Other times, pain may be caused by a loose filling or sensitive tooth. The only way to know for sure what’s causing your tooth pain is to make an appointment at the dental office right away.

What is a gum abscess?

A periodontal (gum) abscess is a pus-filled sac caused by an infection and is usually quite painful. Abscesses require immediate attention at the dental office. If not treated immediately, periodontal abscesses can cause serious damage to the gums or teeth.

What is a traumatic dental injury?

Traumatic dental injuries occur when a sudden, traumatic accident causes damage to the teeth, jaw, or gums. These accidents can occur during sports events, car accidents, or any other manner of high-contact incidents. Examples of traumatic dental injuries include knocked out or broken teeth, extremely loose teeth, or chipped teeth.

What to do when you chip a tooth?

Remain calm, chipped teeth are the most common traumatic dental injury. If a tooth is chipped, try to find any pieces that have come off, as it might be possible to reattach them. Make an appointment for an office visit as soon as possible, and bring the pieces with you.

What are gum emergencies?

Injuries and infections involving the soft tissues of the mouth may also require emergency treatment. The tissues of the gums, tongue, or cheek lining can be damaged by accidental bites, falls, sports injuries, and scalding liquids. They may also suffer injury from foreign bodies that become lodged below the gum line, and they can develop painful and potentially serious abscesses.

Gairhan Dental Reviews

We Always Put Our Patients First

“I’m a working mom and I know what it’s like to visit the dentist or doctor with my kids. If the doctor is running behind, if the visit takes twice as long as it should, it throws my whole day off. That’s why we work hard to stick to a schedule and be upfront if we’re running behind. See what our patients have to say about their experience.”

– Dr. Emily Gairhan