You’ve probably heard of an “ice cream headache,” when you eat or drink something cold too fast, and it causes your head to ache. But did you know some people can get an “ice cream toothache”? They may find that eating ice cream hurts their teeth. Hot food or drink, cold food or drink, or something very sweet or bitter can trigger anything from a slight twinge to outright pain in their teeth. This is called “sensitive teeth.” 

How do you stop sensitive teeth pain? Are there home remedies for sensitive teeth? What can help sensitive teeth? Gairhan Dental Care has treated patients with sensitive teeth, and we have treatments that can reduce your tooth sensitivity and suggestions for home remedies for teeth sensitive to cold, heat, bitter, or sweet. 

What Is Tooth Sensitivity?

What is tooth sensitivity, and are there sensitive teeth home remedies? Tooth sensitivity is a reaction by your teeth to heat, cold, bitter, or sweet. Reactions can range from a slight twinge to pain lasting for hours. It’s caused by a thinning of the enamel, the hard outer shell that protects the inner, living portion of the tooth. 

Enamel can be thinned by tooth erosion or tooth decay. It’s important to see the dentist if you have sudden tooth sensitivity because if the dentin (middle layer) or pulp (inner layer) of the tooth is exposed, it could lead to infection and tooth loss. 

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How Can I Help My Sensitive Teeth?

The best way to figure out how to help your sensitive teeth is to figure out why they’re sensitive in the first place. If you know what’s causing it, home remedies for sensitive teeth may be able to help. If not, we certainly can! 

Here are some of the reasons why your teeth may be sensitive.

  • You’re not brushing and flossing every day. Without proper brushing and flossing, bacteria and plaque build-up on the tooth and weaken the enamel. This tooth decay can lead to cavities, gum disease, and tooth sensitivity. 
  • You’re not using the best toothpaste for your oral health needs. Fluoride toothpaste strengthens your enamel and helps reduce sensitivity. Some toothpastes are made to reduce sensitivity so they can be used as well. If you have sensitive teeth, avoid whitening toothpastes because they may be harsh on your enamel as they try to penetrate and remove stains. They’ll make your sensitivity worse.
  • You’re applying too much pressure when you brush. Scrubbing your teeth too hard can wear down your enamel and damage your gums. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and scrub lightly when you brush. Better still, use an electric toothbrush and let it do the scrubbing for you. 
  • You’re taking certain medications. Some prescription medications can reduce minerals in your body, including those that strengthen your enamel. This may lead to tooth sensitivity. If your teeth continue to get more sensitive, speak with your doctor about this side effect and see whether you might have other options. 
  • You may be genetically prone to sensitive teeth. Some patients with certain genetic conditions may have teeth that don’t develop properly or have thinner enamel than normal. That makes them prone to more sensitive teeth. They will need extra care to brush and floss regularly, and fluoride or dental sealant treatments may be necessary regularly. 

How Do You Stop Sensitive Tooth Pain?

If taking these steps doesn’t work, there are other ways to reduce the sensitivity in your teeth. If home remedies for teeth sensitive to hot and cold don’t work, then a dental sealant may be the way to go. The dental sealant is safe for all ages and provides a special coating that soaks into the nooks and crannies of the enamel and protects it from bacteria and tooth decay. It also provides a protective coating from foods and drinks that make teeth feel sensitive. 

Regular fluoride treatments may also help. Gairhan Dental Care can provide a special fluoride treatment made to boost your enamel’s strength by providing more fluoride and soaking into your enamel much better than your regular toothpaste would. 

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Sensitive Teeth Home Remedies

There are other ways you can help your teeth right at home. The best remedy is to floss at least once daily and brush at least twice a day for a minimum of two minutes each time. Don’t eat or drink anything for at least 30 minutes after you brush so that the fluoride has time to soak into the enamel properly and strengthen it. 

You can also use a fluoride mouthwash for sensitive teeth. There are several available at local retailers. The mouthwash can get to areas your toothbrush may not reach. Again, wait half an hour after using the mouthwash before eating or drinking anything. 

Finally, the best way to take care of your sensitive teeth is to see your dentist regularly! If you’re in the Jonesboro, AR, area, Gairhan Dental Care will provide a thorough examination and cleaning of your teeth when you visit twice a year. We can also provide the option of a dental sealant or fluoride treatment if you need it. 

Don’t live with tooth sensitivity pain! Schedule an appointment with Gairhan Dental Care so we can help!

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