As the aging process takes its course, you may start to notice a crinkle in your skin that wasn’t there before. One might be a nuisance, but several can take a toll on your self-esteem. Fortunately, with more than 6 million administered treatments each year, BOTOX is the most popular FDA-approved cosmetic treatment that reduces fine lines and wrinkles. Here at Gairhan Dental Care, Dr. Emily Gairhan is qualified to perform complete facial aesthetics such as BOTOX, as well as dermal fillers. Read on to learn about the benefits of these restorative treatments.

What is BOTOX?

Frowning, squinting, raising your eyebrows—these are all successful ways to express ourselves, but sometimes, they come with consequences: fine lines and wrinkles. Also known as Botulinum toxin, BOTOX is a minimally-invasive injectable that removes wrinkles by temporarily paralyzing the muscles. It works to make skin visibly smoother by operating beneath the skin surface to target the underlying muscle activity that causes these imperfections.

How BOTOX Can Benefit You

As you grow older, the skin loses elasticity. It becomes thinner, drier, and loses its ability to protect itself from damage. Dr. Gairhan uses BOTOX injections to decrease the appearance of horizontal lines and expression wrinkles. Other advantages to BOTOX include:

  • Minimal downtime
  • Subtle and predictable results
  • Quick and efficient procedure
  • Preventive anti-aging method

Treatment & Recovery

The BOTOX injection process only takes 10 minutes to complete. Dr. Gairhan will safely administer this dermal filler into the appropriate problem areas after addressing your goals and performing an analysis of the facial muscles during your consultation.  Because there is minimal downtime, you can return to your daily routine once you walk out the door.

Interested? Contact Us!

If your skin furrows and folds due to crow’s feet, frown lines, or forehead lines, consult with Dr. Gairhan to reduce the appearance of wrinkles. She can discuss your aesthetic goals and address any questions or concerns that may arise. For more information about BOTOX filler injections and other services provided in our office, fill out our appointment form or call us to schedule a complimentary appointment. You can reach us at 870-931-1100 Monday – Wednesday 8am – 5pm and Thursday from 7am – 3pm.

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